At the beginning of the season, volunteers, visitors on tours, and even farmers will occasionally step on a painstakingly prepared bed. (Yes, just today I did it again.) Even though it is an exquisite feeling to step on a pillow of dirt, it quickly becomes a mini episode of CSI: Eighth Day Farm. A deep, indelible and identifiable one to two inch deep footprint is left in the soil. When this happens it is often followed by the friendly, but cautionary voice of “Respect The Beds”. In honor of the ever growing list of the “Respect The _____” farm mantras we bring you a handy infographic to help you get the most of the fruits of the farm.

Respect The Yield

Additional Note

In my seemingly never ending perusing of food related articles I found an article suggesting cucumbers should not be stored in the refrigerator. In my layman’s way of making sense of things, it does actually make sense. Foods with high water content, such as tomatoes, onions, and peppers don’t freeze well due to cellular breakdown, so why shock the poor little things in a very cold climate? Very interesting.

One thought to “Respect The Yield – Food Storage”

  • Lynette

    Where do you store the low humidity ones and high humidity foods? Both in the fridge?

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