On Saturday, May 14th from 9am to 1pm we will be selling transplants from our Growth Center site at 709 Pine Avenue (between 29th and 30th Streets).  More than encouraging home gardeners to get a jump on this year’s growing, the sale is an opportunity for anyone in the community to come out and support the Backyard to Table project and the Urban Youth Growers program. All proceeds will benefit these programs.

The Urban Youth Growers program empowers and pays under-served youth to grow healthy food that is then donated to those in need in the Holland area.  The donated produce will be pre-bundled and outfitted with a recipe so recipients can easily prepare a meal that is fresh and tastes great. In June and July the produce will be for stir-fry and in August and September the produce grown will make excellent fresh salsa.

In addition to being able to buy lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, beans, corn, zucchini, melons, sunflowers, beets, and ancient squash transplants at the plant sale, a workshop on bio-intensive gardening will be running concurrently from 10-11am.

2 thoughts to “Plant Sale to Benefit Nonprofit Work

  • john

    I would like one or two seeds of a squash called Gete Okosman. thanks john

  • Randy Van Nostrand

    I have read about the ancient squash. Is it possible to buy a few seeds? I live in Huntsville, Alabama and planted my first 3 Sisters garden this year. My squash did very well but it is the plain local variety. I want to grow more traditional Native American varieties next year.

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