The CSA share varies as the season progresses. Certain vegetables like lettuce and kale are planted and harvested throughout the season. Others are early in the season, like garlic scapes , or later in the season, like tomatoes and peppers.

To give a couple snapshots from last season, here’s what we had available the last week of June:

bok choy, lettuce, chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, kale, bunching onions, cucumber/pickles, dill, garlic scapes, zucchini, cilantro, radishes, beets









Here’s what we had the last week of September:

kale, scallions, jalapeño peppers, bell peppers, tomatoes, fennel, bok choy, greens choice (arugula, cilantro, mustard greens, or lettuce), brassica choice (broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts)